Obama Phone Viral Video

Obama phone viral videos: 1. "Obama gave us a phone" lady and 2. an expose of the possibly corrupted Lifeline government phone program

Two videos that went viral about the Obama Phone, the "free government cellphone" from the government Lifeline program that was started by Reagan. June 2013 an Obama phone viral video shows a problem with program abuses. In 2012 an Obama phone viral video shows a lady who has a free government phone talking about the "Obama Phone" program. She expresses her enthusiasm for the "Obama Phone" and other programs that help people get stuff for free from the taxpayers of America (she thinks it comes from Obama, however.)

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"Obama Phone" is the popular, unofficial term that refers to free communications phones provided by the "Lifeline Program" to eligible Americans. See below for more details about the "Obama Phone."*

Click here to find out how to get your free Obama Phone

Update 2013:  Obamaphone lady changes her mind, says, 

"Obama, you punk!"

Lifeline is a government benefit program that provides discounts on monthly telephone service (i.e. the "Obama Phone") for eligible low-income consumers to help ensure they have the opportunities and security that telephone service affords, including being able to connect to jobs, family, and 911 services. Lifeline is supported by the federal Universal Service Fund (USF).

Who Pays for the Lifeline Program and the "Obama Phone"?

The "Obama Phone" is not really "free." You may be one of the people that helps pay for the program.  All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers. Some consumers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs.

What documentation do I need to provide at enrollment to get an Obama Phone?

Program Eligibility Verification - Acceptable documentation when applying for the "Obama Phone" and other related programms includes: Current or prior year's statement of benefits from a qualifying program; notice letter of participation in qualifying program; program participation documents (or copy); or another official document of a qualifying program. Income Eligibility Verification - Acceptable documentation includes: The prior year's state, federal or Tribal tax return; current income statement from an employer or paycheck stub; Social Security statement of benefits; Veterans Administration statement of benefits; Retirement or pension statement of benefits; Unemployment or Workers' Compensation statement of benefits; Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance; or divorce decree, child support award, or other official document containing income information. The consumer must present the same type of documentation covering 3 consecutive months within the previous 12 months, if the documentation does not cover a full year of income.

Who Qualifies for the Obama Phone?

The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, territory, commonwealth, and on Tribal lands. You must be eligible to enroll. To participate in the program, consumers must either have an income that is at or below 135% of the federal Poverty Guidelines or participate in one of the following assistance programs:

    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP);
    Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
    Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8);
    Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP);
    Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF);
    National School Lunch Program's Free Lunch Program;
    Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance;
    Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF);
    Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR);
    Head Start (if income eligibility criteria are met); or
    State assistance programs (if applicable).

*Source of this information is public information published on the FCC website.

The video seen in this blog is the suddenly-famous viral video about the Obama Phones.

Obama Phone blogs and websites are not affiliated with the FCC, the Lifeline Program or any other governmental agency or company.

Obama Phone call in his government office - watch viral videos

Obama Phone Info: Poverty Guidelines Qualifications

Obama Phone Info: "Poverty Guidelines" Qualifications

You may be qualified for the Obama Phone (Lifeline Program) if you meet certain "poverty guidelines" for Americans. Here is some information from the Department of Health and Human services.


The poverty guidelines may be formally referenced as “the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2).”  

2012 HHS Poverty Guidelines
One Version of the [U.S.] Federal Poverty Measure (*see source below)

There are two slightly different versions of the federal poverty measure: 
  • The poverty thresholds, and
  • The poverty guidelines.
The poverty thresholds are the original version of the federal poverty measure.  They are updated each year by the Census Bureau (although they were originally developed by Mollie Orshansky of the Social Security Administration).  The thresholds are used mainly for statistical purposes — for instance, preparing estimates of the number of Americans in poverty each year.  (In other words, all official poverty population figures are calculated using the poverty thresholds, not the guidelines.)  Poverty thresholds since 1973 (and for selected earlier years) and weighted average poverty thresholds since 1959 are available on the Census Bureau’s Web site.  For an example of how the Census Bureau applies the thresholds to a family’s income to determine its poverty status, see “How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty” on the Census Bureau’s web site.
The poverty guidelines are the other version of the federal poverty measure. They are issued each year in the Federal Register by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  The guidelines are a simplification of the poverty thresholds for use for administrative purposes — for instance, determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs.  The Federal Register notice of the 2012 poverty guidelines is available.
The poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the “federal poverty level” (FPL), but that phrase is ambiguous and should be avoided, especially in situations (e.g., legislative or administrative) where precision is important.
Key differences between poverty thresholds and poverty guidelines are outlined in a table under Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). See also the discussion of this topic on the Institute for Research on Poverty’s web site.

NOTE: The poverty guideline figures below are NOT the figures the Census Bureau uses to calculate the number of poor persons.
The figures that the Census Bureau uses are the poverty thresholds.
2012 Poverty Guidelines for the
48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia
Persons in
Poverty guideline
1 $11,170
2 15,130
3 19,090
4 23,050
5 27,010
6 30,970
7 34,930
8 38,890
For families/households with more than 8 persons,
add $3,960 for each additional person.
2012 Poverty Guidelines for
Persons in
Poverty guideline
1 $13,970
2 18,920
3 23,870
4 28,820
5 33,770
6 38,720
7 43,670
8 48,620
For families/households with more than 8 persons,
add $4,950 for each additional person.
2012 Poverty Guidelines for
Persons in
Poverty guideline
1 $12,860
2 17,410
3 21,960
4 26,510
5 31,060
6 35,610
7 40,160
8 44,710
For families/households with more than 8 persons,
add $4,550 for each additional person.
SOURCE:  Federal Register, Vol. 77, No. 17, January 26, 2012, pp. 4034-4035

The separate poverty guidelines for Alaska and Hawaii reflect Office of Economic Opportunity administrative practice beginning in the 1966-1970 period.  Note that the poverty thresholds — the original version of the poverty measure — have never had separate figures for Alaska and Hawaii.  The poverty guidelines are not defined for Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau. In cases in which a Federal program using the poverty guidelines serves any of those jurisdictions, the Federal office which administers the program is responsible for deciding whether to use the contiguous-states-and-D.C. guidelines for those jurisdictions or to follow some other procedure.
The poverty guidelines apply to both aged and non-aged units.  The guidelines have never had an aged/non-aged distinction; only the Census Bureau (statistical) poverty thresholds have separate figures for aged and non-aged one-person and two-person units.
Programs using the guidelines (or percentage multiples of the guidelines — for instance, 125 percent or 185 percent of the guidelines) in determining eligibility include Head Start, the Food Stamp Program, the National School Lunch Program, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.  Note that in general, cash public assistance programs (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Supplemental Security Income) do NOT use the poverty guidelines in determining eligibility.  The Earned Income Tax Credit program also does NOT use the poverty guidelines to determine eligibility.  For a more detailed list of programs that do and don’t use the guidelines, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
The poverty guidelines (unlike the poverty thresholds) are designated by the year in which they are issued.  For instance, the guidelines issued in January 2012 are designated the 2012 poverty guidelines.  However, the 2012 HHS poverty guidelines only reflect price changes through calendar year 2011; accordingly, they are approximately equal to the Census Bureau poverty thresholds for calendar year 2011.  (The 2011 thresholds are expected to be issued in final form in September 2012; a preliminary version of the 2011 thresholds is now available from the Census Bureau.) The computations for the 2012 poverty guidelines are available.

*The poverty guidelines may be formally referenced as “the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2).”

Obama phone info - poverty guidelines qualifications

Obama Phone Info: Medicaid

Obama Phone Info: Medicaid

One of the qualifications that may make you eligible for the "Obama Phone" Lifeline Program is medicaid.

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Here is information about the medicaid program:

Medicaid & CHIP Program Information
You and your family may qualify for free or low-cost health insurance coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). To learn more and to find information about how to apply for these programs, see Healthcare.gov or InsureKidsNow.gov.

Medicaid Information by Population
Medicaid Information by Topic
Medicaid Information by State
Click here for Medicaid information by State

obama phone info medicaid

How to Get a Free Obama Phone

Where to get a free Obama Phone from the "Lifeline" program for free government cellphones.

You have to qualify for the free Obama phone (the Lifeline program for free government phones.) But if you qualify you can get them from authorized private phone service providers.  Some of those companies who supply free Obama phones are shown below. They will help you apply for the free Obama phones! If you don't qualify for a free Obama phone, check out the other discount phone deals from our advertisers.

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to get a free Obama phone from these companies:

Reachout Mobile
Safelink Wireless

Assurance Wireless
Phone Bill Assistance
Qlink Wireless
Terracom Wireless
Budget Wireless

Do you qualify for a free Obama phone?

[click here to check on your state]

The government’s Lifeline Program gives out “free government phones”  – known as Obama Phones – and free monthly minutes services to Americans who are eligible.
Times are not that easy for some people lately, and you might have to choose whether or not you are able to pay for your mobile cell phone, if you even own one. But  the government has authorized phone companies to provide “free government phones” to millions Americans! How much would one of these free government phones help you improve the lives of you and your family?

“An employer can reach you more easily to help you secure a job if you have a free government phone. Staying in contact with your physician and other important professionals is easier with a free government phone. A free government phone can help you stay connected with people you need to connect with.”
The government will pay for your free cell phone and service!

What is a free Obama phone?

Thanks to the FCC-mandated, government program, called LifeLine Assistance, the financially needy can apply for a “free government phone” and get up to 250 free minutes per month. About 12.5 million people are a part of this program already, and millions more qualify for eligibility. With the economy being slow, many more Americans are finding that they qualify for the Lifeline Assistance government phone service program than was possible a few years ago.

how to get a free obama phone - mlk iphone case